WHYY: A new Philly coalition has joined the fight against gun violence

by Sammy Caiola

A coalition of Philadelphia philanthropies, business groups, nonprofits, and academic institutions are stepping in to combat the city’s gun violence crisis with a new infusion of funding.

The Civic Coalition to Save Lives has been in the works for about a year, said Pedro Ramos of the Philadelphia Foundation. The Philadelphia Foundation is leading the charge, along with the William Penn Foundation, the Urban Affairs Coalition, the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, and the Philadelphia Equity Alliance. There are several dozen other groups on the list of supporters, a mix of universities, churches, law firms, health systems, environmental groups, and arts institutions.

“When we bring the civic, business, and philanthropic communities to the table and have a better understanding of the city strategy and what effective gun violence intervention looks like, we think we can be more effective at bringing resources to bear and help with those areas,” said Ted Qualli, spokesperson for the Philadelphia Foundation.

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