The Philadelphia Tribune: Estelle Richman is on board to help save lives… again

by Naiser Warren-Robinson
The Philadelphia Tribune

As a lifelong public servant, Estelle Richman has spent most of her time attempting to help and uplift the people that around her.

Richman will now be spending her time attempting to solve Philadelphia’s gun violence crisis as the new executive director of the Coalition to Save Lives.

Raised in a segregated 1950s Virginia, Richman said she was taught the importance of equal representation at an early age.

“Whenever the city had to do anything, whether it was housing or health care or schools, there was never a Black person at the table,” Richman said. “My parents always fought to be at the table.

“My mother said that if you ever get into a position where you can make those kinds of choices, always have someone whose life is going to be impacted by that policy at the table.”

Read the full story at The Philadelphia Tribune
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